• Ueberschall Liquid Adlibs Liquid SoundBank-AudioP2P

    Adlibs Liquid SoundBank

    Team AudioP2P | 09-16-2009 | 528.83 MB

    If you’re in search of vocal phrases and adlibs to give your instrumental track that little extra or to add a new color or idea to your song, Liquid Adlibs is the great new library to choose from. Over 2300 adlibs and phrases, both verbal and non-verbal. Performed by three female and five male singers. The integrated Melodyne technology engine gives you the freedom to modify, quantize, re-groove, timestretch, pitch or change the formant of every single part of an adlib or phrase for your individual expression. Combining adlibs and phrases you are also able to create your own choruses and verses. Liquid Adlibs contains many different styles and lyrics (British and American vocalists) to choose from: Pop, Dance, Soul, RnB, Ragga, Rave, Electronica, screams and spoken words. If you prefer electronic and modified vocoder-like vocals, you can get some amazing results through radical pitching, formant changing, quantizing and stretching in the editor mode of the liquid engine.

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    A small part of the Liquid Adlibs is a re-release of the vocal content in “Jam Box” and “Houseworx”. Through the Liquid- Melodyne engine you are now able to modify this material in many amazing and innovative ways. Liquid Instrument Series Vol.10 Adlibs is produced by Uwe Kinast and Danya Vodovoz and Mark Steinmeier

    A word of caution: you REALLY need to have jbridge on your system if you intend to use any Liquid library with a 64-bit DAW. The 32-bit Liquid VST (never updated since 2005) will crash your x64 DAW like there’s no tomorrow. Your DAW’s built-in bridge won’t be able to handle it, I promise you. Tested it with Cubase 7.5, Sonar x3 and Reaper 4.x. Same disastrous results. Worked well on all of them once the bridging was assigned to jbridge.

    Loops & Samples: 2394
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