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    Future Music – August 2018

    English | 116 pages | True PDF | 16.7 MB

    In an age when production software is more powerful than ever, there’s still something to be said for shutting down the computer and going full hardware with your music making. From the tactile feel of twisting dials and bashing buttons, to the sonic unpredictability that comes from running sound through an elaborate audio chain, there’s something about working with ‘real’ instruments and effects that you just can’t recreate with software and controllers. In this issue’s bumper cover feature, we delve into several potential setups to get you inspired and show you some ways you can create electronic music fully freed from the shackles of a DAW. Plus we pick up some advice from artists who are taking software-free routes to recording and performance.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/mpbg
    Future Music – August 2018


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