BEAT Magazine August 2022
UHUB | 01 August 2022 | True PDF | 59 MB
Release, Promote, Get Income – Success on Bandcamp, Spotify & Co.
Bandcamp, YouTube, Patreon… or rather the classic way via label and distribution? The possibilities for successful self-marketing are almost endless. But what can you do yourself in your limited free time? Which distribution channels are recommendable? And can digital distributors, social media and newsletters replace a label? Our marketing special provides the answers and shows how you can push your music to the max and gain a foothold in the business without sacrificing studio time.
For Free: ToneSpot Voice Express – Better Tracks with High End Vocals
Without question, vocals are the most important musical element in most songs. Due in no small part to the vast dynamics of the human voice, giving vocals a professional sound that carries through in a dense mix is an art in itself. Wouldn‘t it be cool to have a tool that simplifies this intricate effects processing? Raise the curtain on our plug-in highlight, Audified ToneSpot Voice Express!77 Moog Matriarch Basses & Synths for Zampler & your MPC
“Matriarch shines with very special sounds when the four oscillators are coupled via sync or FM“, we once said in a review. Reason enough to create 77 particularly classy patches that show the legendary Moog sound from a completely different side: powerful and punchy basses and synth sounds familiar from the Minimoog, but with even more punch and – thanks to FM – a partially metallic character. In addition, exotic pads and textures provide atmosphere.INFO/DEMO/BUY:
BEAT Magazine August 2022 True PDF
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