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    Major & Minor Arpeggios Patterns Vol.1-18 MiDi

    P2P | 05.03.2018 | 219 MB

    This isn’t like one of those old “arpeggio dictionaries” in a paper book… It’s a full-blown MIDI library that’s over-flowing with thousands of professional, four-bar arpeggios! You’d have to purchase hundreds of “arpeggio dictionary” books to even come close to the content on this CD, and since they’re all in MIDI, you can hear the Arpeggio instantly with any MIDI instrument you have. No paper book could ever do that! This CD is like having a WHOLE LIBRARY of “arpeggio dictionaries” and you can use the Arpeggios in your own music royalty-free! Each Arpeggio is carefully crafted to follow correct harmony & voice leading rules and the result is amazing! Every inversion is included and each arpeggio is notated with MIDI marker events so that you know exactly what harmony is voiced at each spot in the sequence!

    950,000 arpeggio patterns Contains 4-bar Loops:
    – 151,998 4-Chord Major Arpeggios
    – 471,244 8-Chord Major Arpeggios
    – 81,605 4-Chord Minor Arpeggios
    – 252,763 8-Chord Minor Arpeggios

    Major and Minor Arpeggios Vol.1-18 MiDi


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