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✅ Al Hug MiDi Pack Vol.1

June 12th, 2021 ⚡
  • Al Hug MiDi Pack Vol.1

    Al Hug MiDi Pack Vol.1

    P2P | 11.06.2020 | 210 KB

    AL HUG MIDI PACK VOL 1 is a collection of 8 compositions. Each composition consists of an RnB or Pop chord progression as well as a topline in a separate midi file. Just slide the midi files into your DAW, choose your favorite sounds from any virtual instrument and start producing your own melodies. Change the BPM, transpose up or down and modify the chords and melody to your liking. All Midi clips have been recorded live and no quantization has been applied to ensure a natural feel.]

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/Og5b
    Al Hug MiDi Pack Vol.1


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