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    57,000+ MIDI Files of All Genres & Styles

    P2P | Nov 8, 2013 | 74.16 MB

    MIDI Files / All Genres and Styles

    In this collection is included all popular genres such as: rock, pop, metal, electronic, house, funk, reggae, hardcore, classical, jazz, ethnic, world, and so on…It also has MIDI Drum Loops in various genres & melodic patterns. This collection includes a huge number of well-known songs of the world stars, DJ’s, and more…famous songs in MIDI format. Everything you need as a beginner musician, and professional musician. It really is a wonderful opportunity for all musicians. You can use this MIDI collection in different genres, to create music. This product just will make your dream a reality!

    Also, this collection will help many novice musicians learn music structure and experiment with sound or just have fun!

    57,000+ MIDI Files of All Genres and Styles



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