  • Sinevibes Bundle Complete AU 32Bit 64Bit macOS-MaGeSY

    Sinevibes Bundle Dec. 2017

    PlatenseSoul | 06.01.2018 | 19.5 MB

    Sinevibes is a company focused on creating innovative music software for Apple’s OS X and iOS platforms, operating since 2006. Our goal is to give musicians access to complex technologies via simple user interfaces, making finely-tuned products that are both productive and fun. We are also collaborating with multiple industry-leading hardware and software manufacturers, aiding the development of their amazing instruments..

    This is an insanely fun spectral effect that can do reversed delays, create complex echo rhythms, and model alien reverb chambers.

    This is arguably the most sophisticated yet the most fun to use delay plugin the world has ever seen. Or heard.

    Add rhythmic motion to any instrument. Slice, accent and shuffle drum loops. Bring life into static sounds. Inertia is everything you’ll ever need from an envelope sequencer.

    Add tasty vibes to basses, synths and pads. Spice up drum and percussion loops. Turn anything into an insane glitch. Shift supercharges your production workflow.

    Slice and strobe drum beats. Apply intricate motion onto instruments and vocals. Make any static sound dance. Switch is your number one destination for rhythmic gate effects.

    Apply intricate spectral transformations. Re-engineer drum and percussion loops. Create colourful motion textures virtually out of anything. Cluster is one plugin that does a myriad of filter effects.

    Extremum is an effects processor built with one huge goal: to turn even the most simple sounds into insanely interesting, tonally rich and exciting new material. It features a collection of phaser, chorus and filter algorithms comprised of up to 256 stages and 16 feedback lines – all of which apply radical but finely controllable transformations. And to take it even further, Extremum has its own tempo-synchronised modulator with multiple waveforms, variable lag and chaos.

    Fraction is an effect plugin for deep real-time manipulation and re-engineering of sound. It features 8 slicers which record and repeat small portions of the input audio at defined points in time, slightly or radically changing the rhythmical arrangement. Each slice has three dedicated effect processors with a wide range of algorithms, and their parameters can be animated in perfect sync with the slice repeater. Rolls, stutters, fills, breaks and transitions can be done with unprecedented ease – but Fraction has enough power to create whole musical pieces out of almost anything.

    Hologram is a creative effect processor that resynthesizes the sound in real time. It does this by splitting the input signal into multiple frequency bands, analyzing their dynamics, and then recreating the signal’s spectrum with an array of sine oscillators. The result is a wide variety of pleasantly smooth synthetic tones whose spectral and dynamic characteristics are controlled by the input audio. To take it even further, Hologram also has two highly flexible, multi-waveform modulators that apply rhythmic motion to its re-synthesis engine.

    Drift is a unique effects processor based on two independent Lorenz chaos systems. These are three-dimensional oscillators widely used by scientists and engineers to model convection in liquids and gases. Here, these random but smooth signals are used to modulate spectral effects, sound level and stereo pan, giving them the dynamic characteristics of wind gusts, air turbulence or rising water bubbles.

    Singularity is a delay effect unlike any other. It starts with a tempo-synchronised feedback delay line capable of true stereo panning, and its tail is then sent into three extremely capable effect units connected in series. Each of these processors includes a rich selection of different algorithms: from filters, phasers and choruses to digital- and analog-style distortion, frequency shifter and granulator. In addition to all this, Singularity has four modulation generators for parameter animation – all of which lets you create extremely sophisticated, out-of-this-world delay, echo and even reverb effects.

    Create unique, complex new sounds out of most basic waveforms such as saw, triangle and square. Turn simple synth and bass instruments into very powerful growling, pulsating or wobbling sounds. Completely resynthesise and transform electronic drum loops.

    Sequential is a dynamic multi-effect that allows you to trigger different processing and synthesis algorithms in a rhythmical fashion. It features a total of 19 fine-tuned effects that filter, distort, reshape, stutter and even generate audio – all with flexibility to add gentle spice or dramatically transform any material. The sequencer has a vast number of timing and shaping adjustments, while the whole plugin stores 8 separate parameter snapshots that can be automated or switched in real time.

    Molecule is a multi-band processor that allows you to split the sound into three frequency bands – low, mid, high – and pass them independently through different effects. It includes a vast array of algorithms such as comb filter, chorus ensemble, frequency shifter as well as barber-pole phaser, circuit-bent filter, digital- and analog-style distortion. Each of the three bands also gets its own tempo-synchronised modulator with multiple waveforms and realtime randomisation. Moreover, Molecule lets you store up to eight complete snapshots of itself and switch between them in realtime or via host automation.

    Torsion is a monophonic Audio Unit instrument plugin built upon a unique combination of multiple synthesis technologies and modulation sources, wrapped into an intuitive interface which makes working with it as fun as playing a game. It has a very distinctive, original sound character – and is ready to push your musical creativity in a fresh new direction.

    Diffusion is an Audio Unit synthesiser plugin for creating unique rhythmically-modulated synth and bass sounds. Its engine combines additive oscillators and waveshape modelling with an advanced matrix sequencer that allows for over 800 different parameter combinations per step. All this is controlled via an intuitive colour-coded interface, making Diffusion a one-of-a-kind instrument that’s both deeply capable and mighty fun.

    Reconstruct and transform drum and percussion loops. Turn any instrument or static sound into spectrally and rhythmically rich new material. Liven up your tracks with intricate breaks and transitions. Array is an essential processing tool for everyone.

    Flow is a flanger that goes far beyond traditional – instead of simple up-and-down sweeps, it employs a sophisticated envelope sequencer to modulate the sound in a rhythmical fashion. Flow has two different flanger characters with positive or negative feedback, advanced synchronisation and timing features, plus a host of automation and randomisation options. All this combined allows you to create a myriad of unique effects: from intricate “jet plane” patterns and dancing comb filtering to complex swooshes or stuttered glitches. Plus, each instance of Flow stores eight snapshots of itself that can be switched in realtime or via automation.

    Turbulence is a unique distortion processor that literally “bends” and “curls” the input signal in real time, transforming it into completely new synthetic textures. Even the most basic waveforms instantly become rich sounds with great density and character. Almost all of Turbulence’s parameters are animated by an extremely flexible sequencer with each of its 32 steps having individual transformer model, curve, modulation envelope – allowing easy creation of complex, lively rhythmic soundscapes. Turbulence can also store eight full snapshots of itself within a single preset, letting you switch them during performance or via host automation.

    Here is a unique spectral effect that creates organic chord progressions, tasty melodic textures, or ambient drones out of almost anything.
    Hexonator is built upon six melodically tuned resonators which isolate and emphasise matching frequency components in the incoming signal. With its chord sequencer, it makes it possible to “play” these resonators musically, producing fresh synthetic sounds that are full of life and character. Hexonator also includes a multi-mode filter for final shaping, and everything can be animated using two powerful modulators with multiple waveforms and adjustable chaos.

    Turn drum loops into glitchy mayhem. Make basses scream and beg for mercy. Burn anything to ashes. Malfunction is a unique tool for extreme sound destruction.

    – Alternator v1.0.3
    – Array v3.0.3
    – Atom v1.0.4
    – Cluster v2.0.1
    – Corrosion v1.0.2
    – Diffusion v1.3.3
    – Dipole v1.0.0
    – Dispersion v1.0.2
    – Drift v3.2.0
    – Emission v1.0.1
    – Eternal v1.0.0
    – Extremum v1.0.3
    – Flow v1.0.3
    – Flow v2.0.0
    – Fraction v1.3.3
    – Hexonator v1.0.4
    – Hologram v1.0.2
    – Inertia v2.0.2
    – Malfunction v1.0.3
    – Molecule v1.0.1
    – Multitude v1.1.4
    – Octagon v1.0.4
    – Reshuffle v1.0.1
    – Robotizer v1.0.2
    – Sequential v3.0.5
    – Shift v2.0.2
    – Singularity v1.0.5
    – Switch v2.0.2
    – Torsion v2.1.0
    – Turbo v3.1.4
    – Turbulence v2.0.2
    – Zap v1.0.0

    New plugin: Dipole
    22 December 2017

    We are incredibly delighted to release our amazing new through-zero flanger effect plugin.

    New plugin: Eternal
    14 November 2017

    And here is our magic new plugin! It’s called Eternal, a barber-pole flanger that sounds like nothing else.

    Free download: Drift
    25 September 2017

    Our super-fun dual chaos multi-effect has been updated with enhanced design, new presets and new user manual. And it’s a free download from now on.

    Fraction 1.3.3 – 26 October 2017
    – Improved efficiency in audio input and output stages.
    – Enhanced compatibility when running on newer macOS versions.
    – New factory presets.

    Drift 3.2.0 – 25 September 2017
    – Improved design with multiple visual tweaks.
    – Revised animation time for a faster response feel.
    – New parameter and modulation smoothing algorithms with higher precision and efficiency.
    – Improved efficiency in the audio output stage.
    – Double-click any control to reset it to its default value.
    – Completely new user manual.
    – New factory presets.

    Video preview

    Free plugins and discontinued plugins are also included in this release.

    Sinevibes Bundle Complete AU 32Bit 64Bit macOS
    ♪ Download ♪


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