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    Death Metal MiDi WiN MAC

    P2P | 31.12.2019 | 7.35 MB


    Death metal drumming in its most raw and stark form.

    With extreme finesse and razor-sharp execution, drummer Dave McGraw steamrolls his way through this collection of MIDI like a battering ram. Handling drumming duties in the death metal band Cattle Decapitation, he’s obliged to master anything from the heaviest and most basic of backbeats to the utmost in technical prowess – something that goes to show in this pack. Expect the entire range, from bombastic and ultra-heavy to savage tempos, hammering bass drums and blistering fills. This is death metal drumming in its most raw and stark form, executed by a drummer at the vanguard of the international scene. Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer 3 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 3 rack toms, 1 floor tom, 4 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).

    – Drum grooves and fills inspired by extreme death metal music
    – Performed by Dave McGraw (Cattle Decapitation)
    – Approx. 400 individually played files
    – 4/4 in straight and/or swing feel
    – Tempos ranging from 88 BPM to 260 BPM
    – Song structure categorization (intro, verse, chorus, bridge, fills, etc.)

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/sEt0
    Death Metal MiDi WiN MAC


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