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    CLAQUETTE v1.5.2 macOS

    TNT | 26.10.2016 | 3.5 MB

    Animated Screenshots

    Seamlessly record your Mac’s screen, microphone and camera. Edit your recordings and share them as movie or animated GIF/PNG. The Pro Exporter Pack, you can also integrate Claquette into your Final Cut Pro X workflow. With Pro Exporter Pack Claquette can be integrated into your professional workflow of video editing. This package contains the export to Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, and ProRes. Lossless codec provides high quality recording and a perfect export.


    Key Features:
    • Lossless and control color screen
    C • Record video camera and microphone

    • Built-in player to preview record
    • Cut unwanted parts recording
    • Trim the record to show only the relevant parts of

    • Create animated screenshots into an animated GIF or PNG format
    • Create a movie file using one of the included presets
    • Share your account by mail, Flickr or Vimeo
    • Export to Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5

    Animated screenshots can be exported to:
    ◦ Animated GIF
    ◦ Animated PNG
    H.264 is used for the following export presets:
    ◦ 2160p (UHD)
    ◦ 720p (HD)
    ◦ 1080p (HD)
    ◦ 480p (SD)
    ◦ iPod
    ◦ AppleTV
    • ProRes4444 used for:
    ◦ Final Cut Pro X project exports
    ◦ Motion 5 project exports
    • ProRes422 used to export a combined HQ.

    What’s new in version:
    • Improves animated GIF / PNG preview section
    • Improves rounding when manually entering crop values
    • Improves memory consumption and overall performance
    • Adds support for system wide UI sound setting
    • Fixes a crash in the animated GIF / PNG export panel
    • Fixes wrong hotkey shown in status item
    • Fixes keyboard navigation in the animated GIF / PNG export panel
    • Fixes export to external volumes on macOS Sierra
    • Fixes a crash when opening documents on certain OS / hardware combinations
    OS – MacOSX 10.8 or Later

    CLAQUETTE v1.5.2 Animated Screenshots macOS


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