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  • Addictive Drums 2 v2.5.2.1 Complete WiN-R2R

    Addictive Drums 2 v2.5.2.1 WiN

    TEAM R2R | 01 November 2024 | 9.25 GB



    Addictive Drums 2 comes standard with three extraordinary drum kits including both of our acclaimed Fairfax kits (recorded at the legendary Los Angeles studio formerly known as Sound City) and the loud, large, and luxurious Black Velvet! The package includes 130 presets ranging from super-clean to highly polished and radio-ready to heavily processed and distorted. You also get our Core MIDI Library containing over 5000 inspiring beats and grooves covering many styles. You can use them as-is or easily tweak them to make them uniquely yours.

    Viewed 74540 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Addictive Keys v1.5.4.2 Complete WiN-R2R

    Addictive Keys v1.6.3.2 Complete WiN

    Team R2R | 20 December 2023 | 4.02 GB


    Addictive Keys is a powerful tool for musicians, producers and songwriters, setting a new standard for virtual keyboard instruments. With its unique sound creation ability, smart workflow and fast loading times, Addictive Keys is the ultimate blend of engineering, innovative design and creative expression. Mix and match different microphone perspectives, add effects and advanced envelopes to create truly unique sounds – it’s suitable for any production style or music genre. The standalone version is perfect for spontaneous jamming and live performances and the plug-in version supports all major DAW hosts.

    Viewed 25658 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Addictive Drums 2 v2.3.2 U2B macOS-TRAZOR

    Addictive Drums 2 v2.3.2 macOS

    TRAZOR | 24 November 2022 | 9.51 GB

    ..:: MaGeSY EXCLUSiVE ::..


    Addictive Drums 2 comes standard with three extraordinary drum kits including both of our acclaimed Fairfax kits (recorded at the legendary Los Angeles studio formerly known as Sound City) and the loud, large, and luxurious Black Velvet! The package includes 130 presets ranging from super-clean to highly polished and radio-ready to heavily processed and distorted. You also get our Core MIDI Library containing over 5000 inspiring beats and grooves covering many styles. You can use them as-is or easily tweak them to make them uniquely yours.

    Viewed 36393 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Addictive Keys v1.5.3 U2B macOS-TRAZOR

    Addictive Keys v1.5.3 macOS

    TRAZOR | Feb 13 2022 | FULL: 4.1 GB | UPDATE: 159 MB


    Addictive Keys isn’t just a collection of sampled keyboards. That’s easy. Anyone can do that. What Addictive Keys does is to capture the soul and essence of great instruments from multiple angles. That’s hard, but Addictive Keys instruments pull it off and make it look effortless. Addictive Keys brings the world’s most inspiring and interesting keyboard instruments into the studios of songwriters, producers, and music makers. It’s unique sonic capabilities, smart workflow, fast load-times, and outstanding sound quality are designed to help you stay in the creative flow and to compose great music while you’re in the zone.

    Viewed 18837 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • XLN Audio Blues MiDi Pak

    XLN Audio Blues MiDi Pak

    TEAM R2R | 05.01.2014 | 880 KB

    Blues music is all about heavy emotions and soulful grooves. These things are almost impossible to express with quantized grids and programmed notes. No, blues rhythms need to be brought to life by the skilled hands of a professional drummer behind a great sounding kit. That’s why we created our Blues MIDI Pak. This MIDI Pak has everything you need to produce an authentic, organic groove with a great shuffle feel. It covers a variety of styles spanning from the Chicago and delta blues of the early 50’s all the way to modern blues rock.

    Viewed 8912 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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