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  • Ultimate Conforce Presets for DiGiTONE SYX-DECiBEL

    Conforce Presets DiGiTONE

    Team DECiBEL | 03 Jul 2020 | 478 KB

    I got the Digitone in an early stage and have been programming my own presets on it ever since. I think it’s the perfect machine for electronic percussion and evolving modulating pads and effects. It is a sound designers dream synth and does much more than just classic retro static fm sounds. What makes the Digitone standout is the modulation section, I tend to dive deep into synths and get rich sounds out of them. The soundbank focusses strongly on modulations but it should get you going with many styles of music like electro, techno and idm. All patches are crafted with love and attention. All killer! No filler and no bullshit patches!

    Viewed 4107 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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