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    Trance Stems Vol.1 For Studio One

    FANTASTiC | 19 April 2016 | 47 MB

    The templates showcase his typical uplifting trance sound in Presonus Studio One. These 5 Templates will prove to be an excellent tool for building professional trance productions from the ground up. You get an insight on how the drums and basslines (which always consist of several layers – Hi Bass, Mid Bass, Sub Bass and so on) were put together to get a full sound. They also show you how additional synth lines will help increase the energy throughout the buildup of your track. The 5 Studio One project files all include the short arrangement (as heard in the audio demo), mixing, FX chains, MIDI data and automation. It all comes loaded with all the samples and synth presets (from Massive and Sylenth1) so you will get what you hear in the demo. It is 100% royalty free and can be used as a base for your upcoming tracks or as an educational and inspirational tool. All sections (basslines, FX, drums, synths) are color-coded and named correctly so you know exactly what you are looking at.

    Viewed 2071 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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