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  • Factoid v1.1 MAX FOR LiVE
    February 25th, 2022 ⚡

    Factoid v1.1 MAX FOR LiVE

    .:Factoid v1.1 M4L:.

    P2P | 22 December 2021 | 17.3 MB

    Factoid is a Max For Live device that allows you to create endless rhythmical variations of audio clips. It uses machine learning to decompose a sound into a set of layers that are randomly shifted in time to change the temporal structure of the clip. Create new drum patterns on-the-fly, turn melodies into textures, randomize full mixes and experiment with any kind of sound! Factoid is not a loop slicing device: based on the same machine learning decomposition engine than Factorsynth, it is able to extract components that overlap in time in the original sample. For example, in a drum loop, it can often separate snare from kick even if they play at the same time in the original clip. Factoid is a lightweight and easy-to-use device intended for live performance: you can sync its output with the Live set’s tempo, and adjust the clip’s pitch, just as with regular clips on session view.

    Viewed 11004 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Push-ArrangeMode v2.xx ABLETON LiVE

    Push-ArrangeMode v2.xx M4L

    P2P | 12 December 2021 | 801 KB

    This device gives your Push its missing Arrangement Mode (plus a few extra bonuses). It doesn’t interfere with other Push’s modes, it just adds a new one. The device mainly works on a “selected track” basis. Ultimately, the main goal of this patch is to use your mouse less, because for a lot of tasks this thing actually is… quite slow. The main focus of this v2 was to add the most used keystrokes like copy/paste, but also new ones introduced in L10 (and 10.1) like switching Content/Automation modes (A) or reverse audio (R), the new Live 10.1 zooming shortcuts (H, W, Z…), better control over playback modes and many more. And of course it keeps all the good features from v1 that are natively missing in Live. It also now embeds my BiP (bounce in place) device.

    Viewed 3527 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • image

    Zwobot v1.6 ABLETON

    P2P | 21.01.2020 | 1.7 MB

    Make visuals directly in Ableton Live

    Zwobot, a full automatable, modular and extensible visuals, VJ and video mixer for Ableton Live. You’ll get Zwobot + Zwobot monitor + Zwobot video recorder + CATCHR + RACK + Syphon & Spout client + BLENDER + giveaway-footage and a template to write your own effects for Zwobot in Max/Max for Live.

    Viewed 11407 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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