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    Working with Pitch in Logic Pro X TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | June 13 2016 | 405 MB

    In this 8-part course, Jonny Strinati gets you one the path to working with pitch like a pro using Logic Pro X. From detecting pitch to tuning samples, drums and vocals, you’ll get all the tips, tricks and techniques you need to ensure your music sounds coherent and your individual elements always sound naturally in tune Working with Pitch in Logic Pro X features 1.5 hours of practical tuition focused on skills that are absolutely critical for any producer, whatever style or genre you may be working in. Detecting Picth & Working with Samples

    Video 1 – Detecting The Pitch of Samples
    > Discover a number of different methods you can use in Logic Pro X to detect the pitch of a sample or piece of audio.

    Video 2 – Detecting the Pitch of Polyphonic Material
    > Unfortunately Logic doesn’t have a tool for analysing chords, but there are some neat external plugins that can help. In this video you will learn how to use a (very affordable) plug-in called ‘Chord Detector’ by DDMF to analyse chords and polyphonic material.

    Video 3 – Tuning Samples
    > There are various ways you can tune and pitch samples in Logic Pro X, In this video you’ll do just that using the plug-ins Pitch Shifter, Pitch Correction, EXS24, Ultrabeat, Flex Pitch & Flex Speed.

    Video 4 – Using Alchemy as a Sampler
    > Walk through how you can use Alchemy as a sampler and how to import and work with both individual audio samples and audio loops. Drums, Vocals, Rexing and More…

    Video 5 – In Key Bass Drums
    > An essential lesson on different methods for creating bass drums that are in key with our project.

    Video 6 – Vocal Tuning and Closer Look at Flex Pitch
    > Take a closer look at the Flex Pitch mode and discover how you can use the Flex Pitch controls to fine tune vocal takes.

    Video 7 – Musical EQ
    > In this video you’ll learn how to use what you’ve learnt from note frequencies to tune and musically eq some 808 drum sounds.

    Video 8 – Rexing Drum Loops using EXS24
    > In the final video in this series we throw back to an old school method of chopping up drum loops known as ‘rexing’. You’ll learn how to do this via the EXS24 sampler and pick up different methods for editing and working with drums when chopped and tuned in this way.

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    Working with Pitch in Logic Pro X TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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