Website Management for
Musicians and Bands TUTORiAL
Website Management for Musicians and Bands | 114.6 MB
Many musicians want to expose their music to the world, but don’t give their website—the keystone in a music marketing strategy—the attention it deserves. In this course, Bobby Owsinski draws on his years of experience running a blockbuster music blog and shows you how to design a website that will better promote and sell your music. Learn to balance the look of the site with its usability, avoid common design mistakes (like Flash and frames), and generate more traffic for your site with SEO. Plus, Bobby shows how to concentrate on the all-important press and booking sections, and introduces some tools for measuring your site’s success, such as StatCounter and Google Analytics.
Get more music marketing tips from Bobby in Facebook for Musicians and Bands and Social Media Basics for Musicians and Bands. More courses in this series coming soon!
Topics include:
- Identifying the key elements of a successful band website
- Visual design and navigation tips
- Optimizing media for your site
- Adding a website description and meta tags
- Designing the press and booking sections
- Measuring your website’s performance
Website Management for Musicians and Bands TUTORiAL
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