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    Violin lessons for beginners TUTORiAL

    P2P | 30 November 2015 | 1.28 GB

    Deborah teaches you crucial violin technics. Professional two camera video production and music notes. This truly unique violin video course is shot with two cameras by a professional video agency. You will see in detail the finger positions and the overal body technics to make sure you learn how to play the violin the right way. Some exercises are guided by simple music notes to help you on your way. You learn how to play Pizzicato and how to get this amazing vibrato sound. If you start this English spoken violin course today you will be able to play your first songs in no-time.

    This violin course experience simulates everything about basic technics you could learn from a teacher standing next to you.
    INFO/DEMO: https://goo.gl/AG7abz
    Violin lessons for beginners TUTORiAL


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