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    Up and Running with Maschine 2 TUTORiAL

    P2P | Dec 19 2014 | 1.12 GB

    Maschine bridges the gap between controller and DAW, combining hardware and software in one connected package. In this course, JK Swopes—the producer, educator, and man behind MaschineTutorials.com—shows you how to get started creating your own beats, hooks, and harmonies with Maschine JK demonstrates how to set up Maschine and its many plugins and preferences, and then load the sounds, samples, and instruments you’ll use to make your music. Next, he explores creating and recording patterns, using the mixer, and applying effects to sounds, groups, and the master bus. The course wraps up with a look at arranging, saving, and exporting your songs.

    Topics include:
    Configuring Maschine’s preferences and settings
    Loading sounds
    Recording and editing samples
    Recording patterns
    Adding effects
    Recording automation
    Building a song with scenes
    Saving a Maschine project
    Exporting to WAV files

    INFO: http://redi.se/32y1
    Up and Running with Maschine 2 TUTORiAL


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