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    UA Unison Preamps & Channel Strips Explained

    SYNTHiC4TE | Oct 24 2017 | 430 MB

    Studio pro reveals the technology and magic behind Universal Audio’s Unison Preamp technology and plug-ins! Learn all about the different Unison Enabled Plug-Ins and best practices for using them in your tracks and productions. Eli starts at the beginning, explaining how Unison Enabled Plug-Ins work, and how to use Gain Stage Mode from your Apollo hardware to change their sonic response. Next, Eli covers all the Unison Enabled Plug-Ins one by one, so you know exactly what they add to your sound, as well as how to dial them in for different coloring and tone. See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you have or want to use Universal Audio Unison Enabled Plug-Ins, check this video tutorial series out. You’ll know exactly how to get the most out of them when using them in your tracks and mixes, making the process faster and more creative. Watch “UA Unison Preamps & Channel Strips Explained®” today!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/MWqS
    UA Unison Preamps and Channel Strips Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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