  • UA Apollo And Console Application Explained

    UA Apollo & Console Application Explained

    ilfsn | 29.09.2017 | 804 MB

    14 Videos | Length: 1hr 45min 57sec

    Studio pro takes you on a journey into Universal Audio’s amazing Apollo hardware interfaces and Console Application, showing you everything you need to know when working with the Apollo Twin MkII and 8P, such as setting them up, routing, creating cue and headphone mixes, using multiple hardware units at once and so much more… Marcus begins by welcoming you and reveals all that will be taught in the series, followed by in-depth overviews of both the Apollo Twin MkII and Apollo 8P hardware interfaces. Next, Marcus dives deep into the UA Console Application where you’ll explore all the different sections and menus. Unison Enabled Preamps are next, and you’ll discover the functionality and features of the amazing unison enabled preamp technology found in the UA Apollo Twin MkII and 8P interfaces. Moving on, Marcus focuses on workflow, showing you how to setup your DAW in order to fully maximize the full power of the UA Apollo system, followed by setting up cue mixes, control room functions on the hardware and software, the Recall Plug-In, how to combine multiple UA Apollo interfaces, customizing the Flex I/O Driver, setting up virtual outputs and much, much more.

    See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you have a UA Apollo interface and want to get the most out of it, or are considering getting into an Apollo system for your studio, this video series is a must-see. Watch “UA Apollo & Console Application Explained®” today, and shoot your recording system and workflow over the moon!

    UA Apollo and Console Application Explained
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