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    Trigger Finger Pro Explained TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | May 25 2015 | 527.22 MB


    M-Audio’s Trigger Finger Pro is a feature packed hardware pad controller with an integrated step sequencer and M-Audio master Alex Solano shows you how to take control of this powerhouse hardware and software monster combination and make tracks! Alex starts by introducing you to the Trigger Finger Pro, walking you through Installation and giving you a Complete Overview of the Hardware. Next, Alex explores the Sequence mode, one of the most powerful sections of the Trigger Finger Pro. Two other critical modes, Control Mode and Pad Mode are then examined in detail, as well as hardware videos showing Advanced Sequence Techniques. The remaining tutorials focus on the software side of the Trigger Finger Pro. Alex begins with Arsenal, the software interface between the hardware and your VST instruments. Next, Alex dives into the AIR drums. Finally, Alex ends with videos on How to Set Up the Trigger Finger Pro with Ableton Live and Pro Tools.

    Whether you’re a DJ or studio musician looking for a killer pad controller, or you already own the Trigger Finger Pro and want to know more about it, watch “Trigger Finger Pro Explained” today!

    INFO: http://redi.se/36fh
    Trigger Finger Pro Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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