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    The Art of Remixing Ableton Live TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | June 19 2017 | 164 MB

    Learn the art of remixing with these tutorials, and get some fresh inspiration for your next remix! Sometimes, it can be hard to know where to begin when remixing. You’re sitting there in front of your DAW, wondering when (or if!) creativity will strike. Luckily, legendary music producer is here to show how to get that remix done… fast! After revealing the differences between remixes, bootlegs and mashups, and sharing some interesting historical facts, Olav dives deep into the fun part: creating an actual remix. Watch him, step by step, as he puts his own “Olav” signature sound on the track. Listen as he gives the track a stronger direction by creating a completely new beat from scratch, adding and modifying some elements from the original track.

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3hfs
    The Art of Remixing Ableton Live TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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