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    Synth Know-How: Layering TUTORiAL

    ilfsn | 22.09.2017 | 40 Mins | 317 MB

    Keyboard wiz brings you a cool video series on layering synths to make better, bigger and more interesting synth sounds for your songs and production. The info can be applied to any hardware or software synth! Sami starts by explaining the basic idea behind layering sounds, and gives you some examples of the technique. He then shows different methods for reinforcing your existing Bass sounds. Next, Sami reveals how to add fullness to your synths by layering unlike sound sources and processing them as one sound. Effects are then explored as ways to make synths more dramatic and alive. Wrapping it up, Sami shows how to make a bass sound bigger by adding different elements, both subtle and obvious to a mono bass patch.

    See the individual tutorial descriptions below for more info. If you’re looking for ideas on how to layer your synth sounds, check out “Synth Know-How: Layering” today!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/pShb
    Synth Know-How: Layering TUTORiAL


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