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    Synclavier V Explained TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | March 11 2019 | 878 MB

    …::: UPDATED :::…

    Synth guru brings you an in-depth series on the amazing Synclavier-V virtual synth. See and hear how this synth is a painstaking recreation of the original, big dollar synth from the 80s, and how to use it effectively in your productions! Tyler starts with and introduction and overview covering its origins, capabilities, and a few things to know before you get started. Next, learn all about Synclavier V’s standard and extended panel modes, its graphic screen modes including Envelopes & Key Dynamics, Time Slices, Mixer & Mods, FX, and Settings, so you have the knowledge needed to fully navigate and operate this beast of a synth. Now that you know all the parameters in their respective areas, see how to keep a simple, smooth, and efficient workflow while using all of its awesome options and revel in its endless sonic possibilities.

    Wrapping it up, Tyler gives you sound design videos showing how to make a Bass, Lead and Pad sounds from scratch, using the features and functions available in the synth, plus some additional notes and remarks to send you off on your way to make all kinds of amazing sounds with the Synclavier V!

    Synclavier V Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE-UPDATED


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