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    Studio One 4 Advanced TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | 24 May 2018 | 1.13 GB

    Presonus master Marcus Huyskens brings you in-depth coverage of the new advanced features found in the new Studio One version 4 update! Watch, learn and hear what the latest goodies from Presonus can do for you and your creative process. Marcus welcomes you and then hits the floor running with complete coverage of the powerful new Chord Track feature in Studio One v4. See what this amazing new feature can do for you when producing tracks in S1. Then it’s on to the newly updated Sample One XT and Impact XT virtual instruments and their added features, which allow for even more creative workflows. The new view mode added to the Drum Editor is also gone over in detail, making for better virtual drum instrument programming.

    You’ll then get in-depth overviews and actual workflow videos covering the new Patterns in Studio One Version 4, and how they function and differ from regular instrument parts. A detailed look at working with Patterns is then given, including how to create, edit, and modify Patterns with ease.

    Marcus now reveals the new AAF Import and Export options and a ton of videos covering the new general workflow improvements made to Studio One version 4, including Ripple Edit Mode, Relative Bar Offsets, Notion Integration, External Plug-In Scanner, Key Signatures, the Console GUI update, Lighter Themes and much, much more.

    Studio One 4 Advanced TUTORiAL


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