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    Studio One 4.5 Update Revealed

    SYNTHiC4TE | July 21 2019 | 125 MB

    The new features and functions added in versions 4.5 and 4.5.2! Discover all the new additions with these “quick and to the point” Studio One videos, designed for those who already know Studio one 4, but just want a fast and detailed overview of the added functions. Tyler begins with an introduction and overview of the Studio One 4.5 update and what it means for you as a S1 user, followed by a look at the overarching changes to the interface, such as the smooth waveform option, and the notable changes to Studio One’s workflow in terms of the Macro Toolbars and more, which make operation of Studio One even easier. Next, Tyler reveals all of the recording and mixing features added in 4.5 so you can set up for recording with ease and mix more effectively. Arrangement & MIDI Editing new features are then shown and you’ll discover the several additions and improvements to editing MIDI notes, like the new Note Actions, as well as functionality with Track and Event Editing and Locking.

    Moving on, Tyler explains the new settings for importing and exporting, including video export and several new audio file types and options that were added to Studio One 4.5, as well as the new features added in version 4.5.2. Tyler then goes back through the project in Studio One 4.5 to summarize and review all of the additions in a practical context so you can see how they will help you in your future productions.

    Studio One 4.5 Update Revealed TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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