  • Start To Finish Create A Vocal Track Tutorial Decibel Magesy

    Create a Vocal Track TUTORiAL

    Team DECiBEL | 14 September 2019 | 4.52 GB

    In over 50 videos spanning just under 10 hours of content, watch the start-to-finish creation of a vocal track now signed to a top Youtube channel — plus, do so with an artist who has amassed over 12 million streams and has credits with Universal, Sony, Netflix, MTV, Toyota, & more.

    54 Start to Finish HD Videos
    – 12 Stems from Syence
    – Bonus: Sample Pack & Soundbank
    – Bonus: Workshops
    – Bonus: 5 Release Pillars PDF
    – In-depth Vocal Topline Course

    Part 1 : Creating the Idea
    Starting from a blank project file, Syence creates the initial idea for the track. He starts with a simple piece of inspiration, determines which idea is strong enough to carry a full song, and maps out the song’s structure.

    Part 2 : Creating the Break
    Now that there’s an idea for the track, how do we differentiate between the breakdowns and the drop sections? In a detailed review, Syence breaks down how to create interesting and effective shifts in energy between different sections of the track.

    Part 3 : Creating the Drop
    How do we take the initial drop idea and make it full, energetic, and professional? Syence dives deep into composition, sound design, and layering — all critical components of achieving a crisp, high-quality sound.

    Part 4 : Arrangement & Structure
    Some producers say that the most important part of the production process is arrangement. Syence takes his well-produced idea for the song and arranges it in a way that not only keeps the idea fresh and interesting, but also seamlessly guides the listener from intro to outro.

    Part 5 : Mixing
    Arguably the greatest difference between an amateur and professional sound is the quality of the mixdown. In a no-holds-barred breakdown, Syence goes through every plugin, every small tweak, and every mixing decision he makes to give the track a full and complete mixdown.

    Part 6 : Vocal Mixing
    How do we make a vocal clean, powerful, and present in our mix? How about one that we recorded ourselves? Syence takes a deep look at vocal stacks and effects, which plugins to be using, and how to get a vocal to sit well with the rest of the track.

    Part 7 : Mastering
    The grand finale, and also the Syence Secret Sauce. A great master can give your track a final push of professional edge. But, when done incorrectly, a bad master can destroy a good mixdown.

    Part 8 : Creating the Topline
    The first of its kind, a mini-masterclass on creating world class vocals from scratch. This Gold Tier Only section of the course covers the writing, recording, comping, editing, and production of a professional pop vocal.

    – Creating & Processing Modern Vocal Chops Workshop
    – Song-Starting Workshop
    – Anatomy of Releasing with a Youtube Curator Workshop

    Start To Finish: Create a Vocal Track TUTORiAL-DECiBEL
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