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  • Softube Parallels Explained TUTORiAL-MaGeSY

    Softube Parallels Explained®

    HiDERA | 14 July 2024 | 172 MB

    Join synth expert Thomas Cochran for a deep look into Softube’s new synth instrument, Parallels. You’ll learn how to draw an incredible range of tones from the synth using its intuitive interface. From quivering basses to echoed, reverse pads, and more, Parallels is a sonic playhouse. This Parallels video course is designed for new Parallels users. Thomas welcomes you and then presents a quick overview of the instrument, including generating sounds, managing presets, etc. Then it’s on to the Source section, where you can access different sound sources to combine and layer into a composite sound of your own. Next, you’ll explore ways to vary the sounds further, including Shaper, modulation, effects, and more. Thomas concludes the course by demonstrating the creation of two sounds from scratch: a pad and a bass.

    If you want to learn how to best use Parallels in your own productions, this Parallels course is a must-see. Not only will you learn the function of each parameter and know how to adjust it to get the desired sound, but you’ll also guarantee yourself hours of sound design fun down the line. See the individual Parallels video tutorial descriptions for more information about what this impressive synth can do. Discover a world of sound that inspires you… Watch “Softube Parallels Explained®” today!

    What You Will Learn:
    -How to select, save, load, and manage presets
    -Selecting different sound sources to combine and layer for your own sonic creations
    -Using modulation types and effects to add movement and depth to your sounds

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/F9eYu
    Softube Parallels Explained TUTORiAL
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