Prophet 6 Revealed TUTORiAL
SYNTHiC4TE | Sept 30 2015 | 673 MB
Rich-sounding analog electronics, enclosed in a beautiful wooden instrument, sound like a dream come true! Welcome Dave Smith’s Prophet 6! This 32-tutorial course reveals how this exciting new synth works! The original Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 changed the path of analog synth history. This re-imagined Prophet 6 captures the essence of the ’80s analog feel and adds some of its own unique twists! In this course, Matt Vanacoro, takes you through every aspect of this exceptional instrument. You learn its geography: where all the knobs and buttons are and what they do. You get a series of lessons in the Prophet’s unique, analog signal flow… essential information in a hardware-based instrument! Most of all, Matt takes you through the process of creating your own sounds utilizing virtually every control the Prophet 6 has to offer.
By the time you complete this 32-tutorial course, you will be totally comfortable programming, performing and producing your own unique sounds and soundscapes with this extremely powerful instrument. So sit back and learn everything you need to know about the Dave Smith Instruments’ Prophet 6!
Prophet 6 Revealed TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
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