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    Programing Drums with Drummer

    ilfsn | 21.08.2017 | 342 MB

    Garage Band/Logic Pro X

    Drums are the rhythmic backbone of most modern music, and one of the most complicated and tricky instruments to record and mix. Not only that, but most home studios today do not have the space or equipment to record them. But that does not mean you can’t get a good drum sound. Software instruments have become really good these days, good enough that I use them in a lot of my productions. In this class I want to show you the basics of using Garage Band/Logic Pro X’s Drummer. Drummer is a great way to start programming drums for beginners, as well as a cool source of ideas for people who have some more experience in doing so. First I’ll show you how to prepare your song with arrangement markers before you insert the drummer track, then I’ll give you a tour of the interface and finally you will see me go through the process of using drummer to program a track.

    By the end of this course you will have a usable, but still rough, drum track for your song, which we will polish in part two of this course.

    Programing Drums with Drummer


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