  • Production Techniques & Strategies

    FANTASTiC | 21 February 2020 | 1.77 GB

    ..:: Is My Track Finished? ::..

    In this large assortment of priceless production help video tutorials, studio guru  gives you tons of info to help you be confident that your tracks and productions are finished. Learn enlightening ways to test your mixes and song arrangements to determine if all your hard work is done, and will pay off big! Adam welcomes you and then gets right to it, covering the basics of Headroom, True Peak and Loudness and why it’s important to consider their values for your mixes. Next you’ll get into making sure your Sub Bass is set right, Tonal Balance and EQ comparisons, the benefit of checking your mixes in Mono, using Vectorscopes and Phase Correlation, and more. Next Adam gets into Vocal Compression do’s and don’ts, how to make sure your track doesn’t loose any punch when starting its playback, why you should use Dithering and back up plug-in presets, using Hi Quality Modes, and many, many, more videos showing creative ways to test your mixes and arrangements out, so you can feel confident about releasing them into the world!

    See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you’re new to mixing and producing music, or just want other ideas for testing the mix and production quality of your existing tracks and songs, stop right here… Watch “Production Techniques & Strategies: Is My Track Finished?” today!

    Production Techniques And Strategies TUTORiAL


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