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  • Producing Indie Pop With NI TUTORiAL

    Producing Indie Pop With NI

    HiDERA | 14 May 2023 | 449 MB

    Join production guru for a NI video tutorial course on producing indie pop using nothing but NI plug-ins! In this informative NI course, Thomas will break down each step of the process, detailing which instrument/effect he’s using for which task and imparting many relevant production tips along the way. You’ll learn important insights into layering sounds, adding percussion, using effects, designing sounds, and much more, all of which is applicable to this exciting genre and many more as well! These videos are designed for those with basic production knowledge and/or experience. Thomas welcomes you to the course and begins by playing through the song that he’ll be creating throughout this course so you’ll know what’s to come.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/sBXLx
    Producing Indie Pop With NI TUTORiAL
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