  • Pro Tools Advanced Vol.1 TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE-MaGeSY

    Pro Tools Advanced Vol.1 TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | 17 September 2014 | 521 MB


    Pro Tools guru Kenny Gioia brings you the first volume of videos dedicated to enhancing your Pro Tools experience. Shot in Pro Tools 11 and compatible with Pro Tools 8, 9 & 10, this in-depth series focuses on Workflow, arguably the most important aspect of using a DAW, making you a Pro Tools pro in no time. Kenny jumps right in and reveals the powerful Import Session Data feature, which saves you a ton of time, by allowing you to Import Audio, Effects, Channels, and other often used Parameters into Your Sessions. Next, Advanced Marker Usage is shown, including Selection Markers, Zoom, Pre & Post Roll, Show / Hide Tracks, Track Heights, Groups and more. Moving on, Kenny gives you one of the Best Kept Secrets in Pro Tools, Window Configurations. Kenny goes thru each and every parameter that can be stored and recalled with this powerhouse feature, along with great examples of How They Can Be Applied. Keyboard Shortcuts are then explained and demonstrated, and this video alone will Dramatically Speed Up Your Workflow.

    Command Focus Keys, Shift Commands and Macro Key Commands are then demystified, giving you an Incredible Amount of Control and Oversight to your Pro Tools Sessions, making you look and feel like a Pro Tools master. If you use Pro Tools, this series is beyond a “must have”. This info and knowledge is what separates the novice from the expert… Watch “Pro Tools Advanced Vol 1” today.

    Pro Tools Advanced Vol.1 TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
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