Pro Tools 8 Editing Drums
Team QUASAR | 05 November 2010 | 1.11 GB
..: Using Beat Detective & SoundReplacer :..
Join author Brian White in Pro Tools 8: Editing Drums Using Beat Detective and SoundReplacer as he demonstrates how to fix the timing and sweeten the tone of live drum recordings using Pro Tools 8. This course covers many of the operational modes and common workflows in Beat Detective, including tempo mapping and quantizing multi-track drums, and a variety of drum sweetening techniques like sample triggering with SoundReplacer and virtual instruments. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:
- Understanding Beat Detective
- Making selections and separating regions in Beat Detective
- Extracting and using groove templates
- Generating a tempo map with bar beat markers
- Quantizing multi-track drums
- Using SoundReplacer and other sample triggering plug-ins
- Creating and using MIDI triggers
- Replacing drum sounds within a stereo recording
- Drum sweetening tips and strategies
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