  • Pro Tools 2024.10 Update Explained TUTORiAL-MaGeSY

    Pro Tools 2024.10 Update Explained

    HiDERA | 07 December 2024 | 123 MB

    Join Pro Tools guru Eli Krantzberg for a detailed examination of the changes found in the new Pro Tools 2024.10 update! This version includes new plug-ins, MIDI features, workflow improvements, and more, and by the end of the Pro Tools course, you’ll be ready to take advantage of them all (should you choose) for your very next session. There’s no reason to lose out on these important upgrades! These Pro Tools videos are designed for Pro Tools users new to version 2024.10.

    Eli kicks things off with a look at the newly bundled Kontakt 8 Player that’s now included with all versions of Pro Tools, showing how to get around the player and incorporate it into a Pro Tools session. Then discover how to use the new SpectraLayers Go plug-in for track separation, spectral editing, and more, along with new improvements in the included WaveLab Go ARA plug-in. Next, learn all about Segund Lite, a new arpeggiator/step sequencer MIDI plug-in that creates unique, evolving patterns that follow your specified keys and scales.

    Eli covers the new BLEASS arpeggiator as well, which includes an easy-to-use internal FM synth, two LFOs, a motion sequencer, a mod wheel, and two X/Y pads. Other topics include MIDI improvements (focus view, input monitoring, delay compensation, velocity display options, etc.), session import upgrades (allowing the user to make a selection and match or import it as new tracks), and more!

    These upgrades add a lot of new flexibility and possibilities to Pro Tools, but an upgrade is only as effective as the user’s knowledge and mastery of it. After watching this Pro Tools course, you’ll be completely up to speed with Pro Tools 2024.10 and ready to take full advantage of all the new features in your own productions right away. Check out the individual Pro Tools 2024.10 Update video tutorial descriptions for more information on everything included and ideas on how these improvements can work their way into your own sessions. Who doesn’t love new bells and whistles? Watch “Pro Tools 2024.10 Update Explained®” today!

    What You Will Learn:
    -Using the newly included Kontakt 8 Player within Pro Tools.
    -Tackling track separation and spectral editing with the new SpectraLayers Go plug-in.
    -Creating smart, evolving patterns with two new sequencer/arpeggiators: Segund Lite and BLEASS.
    -Incorporating new MIDI improvements like input monitoring, delay compensation, MIDI focus view, etc.
    -And more!

    Pro Tools 2024.10 Update Explained TUTORiAL
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