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    Play By Ear 3: Use My 3 Chord Trick to

    Harmonize C Key Songs TUTORiAL

    TEAM COMPRiSED | 2015.03.22 | 426 MB

    Play songs by EAR & recognize places where chord changes in songs. Move your heart into the music & love piano & playing Play by Ear Method Level 3: Learn to harmonize songs by EAR with my 3 Chord Harmony Trick. Are you bored to tears playing piano? As I am writing out this page, I just received the following message from my student Barbara who has been taking my piano courses one after another: “We are on fire with the need to accomplish goals and you are a God given teacher!! :) I seem to be having a love affair with my piano now….can’t get enough and want to be with the keys all day. It’s a wonderful feeling. I praise God for all the knowledge and you for sharing your talent.” Start picking up the Skill to PLAY by EAR and your piano playing is going to take off like it has for my student here. You will be in love with your piano, playing your music, making music at the piano ALL day! Believe me, I see this happening to students all the time. Learn to play by EAR and learn how to harmonize songs by EAR! It is a very comprehensive in-depth study so that you will be able to pick up this skill IMMEDIATELY.

    What am I going to get from this course?
    <>Over 120 lectures and 4 hours of content!
    <>Listen to Chord Tones
    <>Distinguish Chord Tones from Melody tones
    <>How Chord Tones are formed
    <>Listen Deeply to the characters of the Chord I, IV, V7
    <>Hear the Home Base Chord
    <>Listen to the Key of the Song
    <>Distinguish Chord 1 from Chord V7
    <>Spot why Chord V7 is a tension chord
    <>Understand Leading Tone
    <>Know which melody tones harmonize with which chord
    <>Feel the distinct character of Chord 1
    <>Feel the tension of the song
    <>Know where to spot the dissonance of Chord V7
    <>Hear how Chord IV travels within the melody
    <>Play many songs using my 3 Chord Trick
    <>Listen to how chord IV is distinctively a Travelling Chord
    <>Identify the transient chords
    <>Identify the Plagal Amen Chord Ending
    <>Train your ears to listen to moods of the song
    <>Feel the song when it goes up to a tension sound
    <>Feel the calming and gentle nature of the Amen Ending
    <>Feel the release of tension when V7 goes to I

    What is the target audience?
    <>People who dream to play by ear
    <>all musicians whether they play guitar, piano, ukulele, violin, etc

    INFO: http://goo.gl/O3MTxq
    Play By Ear 3: Use My 3 Chord Trick to Harmonize C Key Songs TUTORiAL


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