P2P | 12-07-2015 | 455 MB + 211 MB + 257 MB
Pitch Correcting Vocals videos are from a live online music production class (January 16, 2013) about the process of applying Pitch correction to vocals. Recording acoustic guitar can be a challenging experience to say the least. It is a very difficult instrument to record accurately and presents a lot of obstacles including extraneous noises from squeaky strings, pick noise and other noises not related to the instrument itself. Recording Acoustic Guitars videos will help to change the way you approach recording acoustic guitars and give you solutions to the most common issues face when recording acoustic guitars. Recording Drums, 2 videos are from a live online music production class (January 16, 2013) about the process of Recording Drums and the techniques you need to know to get great sounds no matter what environment you are recording in. Recording Drums Workshop
Pitch Correcting Vocals videos include:
– The history of Pitch Correction
– Pitch Correction Techniques
– Antares AutoTune Plugin
– Celemony Melodyne Plugin
– WavesTune PluginRecording Acoustic Guitars videos include:
– Finding the best recording space
– Techniques for finding the best placement in the room
– Treating the Acoustic Environment
– Mic Selection
– Mic Techniques
– Getting Placement
– Dealing with common issues
– How to manage headphones and communications
– Managing performancesRecording Drums videos include:
– Finding the best recording space
– Techniques for finding the best placement in the room
– Treating the Acoustic Environment
– Mic Selection
– Mic Techniques for each element of a drum kit
– Getting sounds and making adjustments without wearing out your drummer
– Dealing with common recording issues
How to manage headphones and communications
– Managing performancesINFO/DEMO/BUY: DiSCONTiNUED
Pitch Correcting Vocals, Recording Acoustic Guitars and Drums TUTORiAL
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