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    Piano Keyboard Lessons TUTORiAL

    P2P | 11 July 2019 | 376 MB

    Piano Keyboard Lessons: Music Theory, Composition & Production, Read Music & Piano Chords, Orchestration, Jazz Piano Piano is a popular and unique instrument you can start learning today! It was invented in Italy, but is mainstreamed used all around the world. Not only is it a beautiful, classical instrument, but it can be used in all music genre. Maybe you had encounter where you could play something beautiful on a piano, but didn’t have the chance to do so because you don’t know how to play piano.

    In This Piano Training, You’ll Learn:
    •Proper hand and sitting posture
    •Notes and rhythm
    •Placing fingers
    •Basic Playing Techniques
    •Playing by ear
    •Playing chords
    •Playing with Both Hands
    •Reading Sheet Music
    •Determining tempo and rhythm
    •Piano Scales
    •How to form a major scale, a minor scale & Other forms of scales
    •Reading Chords Progressions
    •Learning different keys
    •Playing Blues Piano
    •Keyboard skills (Piano fingering, Using pedals)

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/Ku5Q
    Piano Keyboard Lessons TUTORiAL


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