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  • PC Build For Music TUTORiAL-HiDERA

    PC Build For Music TUTORiAL

    HiDERA | 29 April 2022 | 2.38 GB

    We’ve all been there at some point while working on a track – the CPU meter spikes and panic sets in. Is it time for a new computer? Well, if you’re considering going down the route of building your own PC specifically for audio, we’ve got you covered as Nate aka Protoculture is doing exactly that in this new 14 part course. Obviously, there is a multitude of options when it comes to building your own PC, but in this detailed course, Nate explains what to look out for when choosing your components along with best practices when building your machine. We also look at running system checks, how to install the operating system itself and then optimising this for audio production before running some benchmark tests and getting some useful apps that’ll help streamline your workflow. He even wades into the age-old debate of Mac vs PC….brave man!

    A smooth-running computer that won’t hinder your creativity is vital if you’re serious about making music. So if yours is struggling and you’re thinking about upgrading, you need to watch this course!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/33U16
    PC Build For Music TUTORiAL-HiDERA
    ♪ Download ♪


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