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    Music Theory Using the Ableton Push TUTORiAL

    P2P | 21-06-2015 | 458 MB

    Traditionally, music theory is taught with a piano as the main tool to learn the concepts. In this class, we take music theory concepts and apply them to the the Ableton Push controller. Using the Push, we can find the patterns for chords, harmony, and intervals that will get you producing, songwriting, or composing with the Ableton Push. It is recommended students have already taken Music Theory for Electronic Musicians I and Music Theory for Electronic Musicians II: Minor Keys and More

    Lessons: 12
    Duration: 59 min
    Subject: Audio
    Language: English
    Software: Ableton Live
    Level: Intermediate

    INFO/DEMO: https://goo.gl/mxoDMo
    Music Theory Using the Ableton Push TUTORiAL


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