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    Melody & Motives TUTORiAL

    FANTASTiC | 27 June 2018 | 1.11 GB

    For years I’ve been teaching Music Theory in the college classroom. These classes I’m making for Udemy use the same syllabus I’ve used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost. I believe anyone can learn Music Theory – and cost shouldn’t be a barrier. Recently I was named as a semi-finalist for the Grammy Foundation’s Music Educator of the Year award because of my in-person university classes. Now I’m taking those classes to Udemy in an online format in order to reach more students, and give them the joy of Music Theory. My approach to music theory is to minimize the memorization. Most of these concepts you can learn by just understanding why chords behave in certain ways. Once you understand those concepts, you can find any scale, key, or chord that exists. Even invent your own.

    This class is a Comprehensive class – it will have many parts, going through my entire annual curriculum.

    This class is Part 11: Melody, Motives, and Phrases. It continues what would be the second semester of a college music theory class (according to the typical American academic system for learning music theory).

    Throughout this class, If you get stuck, you can review the videos or post a question, and I’ll back to it as fast as possible.

    In this class, we will cover:
    •Tools of Music Theory
    •Why phrases are important
    •Identifying Phrases
    •Finding Motives
    •Labeling Motives and Phrases
    •Melody Augmentation
    •Melody Diminution
    •Melody Inversion
    •Melody Extension and Truncation
    •Countour, Rhythm, Transposition, and Interval Alterations
    •Harmonizing altered melodies
    •Musical Sentences
    •Musical Periods
    •Performing Phrases
    •Phrase Rhythm
    …and much, much more!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/V7fS
    Music Theory: Comprehensive Part 11 Melody and Motives TUTORiAL


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