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    Music for Tokyo Fashion Week TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | August 05 2017 | 377 MB

    In this Webinar Series, Josh gives you a look into his completed DAW session and the “Call Sheet” he was given by the event coordinator to use as a reference for creating the music for the show. Get an inside look into this type of music production work! Josh first talks about how he got the job, what it takes to put a job like this together, and then goes right into some production elements like creating the Zipper sounds for the tracks. You’ll then get Josh’s opinions and recommendations on the microphones he used to record some of the samples in the project, and also discusses some mic choices you have for recording your own samples. Wrapping it up, Josh answers a viewers question regarding how he built his layered snare, and then gives advice on how how to save CPU power by exporting your tracks as audio files, and importing them into a new session.

    Get an idea of what’s involved for fashion show music creation and some production tips along the way!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/Q1iv
    Music for Tokyo Fashion Week TUTORiAL


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