✅ Moog Matriarch TUTORiAL

July 19th, 2021 ⚡
  • Moog Matriarch TUTORiAL

    Moog Matriarch TUTORiAL

    HiDERA | 03.05.2020 | 1.7 GB

    Another awesome synth and this time Matt’s checking out how to use the Moog Matriarch. A patchable 4-note paraphonic analog synthesiser with a built-in Sequencer, Arpeggiator, stereo Ladder Filters, and stereo Analog Delay this is a Moog that packs a punch and sounds as fun as it looks. The Moog Matriarch gives you not only amazing sounding musicality with the ability to play chords but also the option to go completely off the wall using its modular capabilities. Throughout these videos, Matt takes us through the controls and functions of the entire synth as well as some of the hidden features so you can get on with creating your own sounds quickly. If you’ve splashed the cash and purchased one of these, or if you just love synths as much as ourselves and Matt then definitely check out what this magnificent madam can do!

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    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/j7n5
    Moog Matriarch TUTORiAL


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