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  • Mixing and Mastering On My Mind TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

    Mixing & Mastering: “On My Mind”

    Team DECiBEL | 15 Sep 2020 | 958.6 MB

    Subtitles: Spanish, Portuguese / Brazilian and English

    3x Grammy Mixing & Mastering Legend shares his highly sought after mixing techniques “On My Mind” ft. Sidepiece which recently became the top house track across Spotify, clubs, and radio playlists worldwide. Luca Pretolesi gives an in-depth look into his personal template and workflow in five part series processing drums, bass, synths, and vocals separately before his final master chain. This course explains the “in the box” plugin workflow for you to apply to your mixes as well as a complete overview of Luca’s hybrid and analog mixing approach.

    WATCH TIME: 45:05
    – VIDEOS: 5
    – PRESETS: 5

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/ExgX
    Mixing and Mastering “On My Mind” TUTORiAL-DECiBEL


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