  • Mix House Vocals Like A Pro TUTORiAL

    Mix House Vocals Like A Pro

    FANTASTiC | 18 April 2022 | 367 MB

    OK, You have produced a banging dance track, now what? You need a decent vocal to compliment it, right? If you got great vocals to go with your track, great! Congratulations! Step One complete. Step two – go and watch this class for a step by step guide on how to mix vocals. If you haven’t got vocals for your tracks yet then don’t waste time, go on Instagram, search for hashtags like #singer #songwriter #vocalist and so on, find a vocalist you like and start collaborating! Once you got your vocals stems – watch this class and dive in, but make sure you don’t copy settings like for like! Experiment! Different source signals require different processing.

    I’m just giving you the basic idea, the concept is you will:
    •We will start by importing vocal stems in our project, then get rid of everything that we don’t need. After we have done some basic cleaning we will arrange vocals the way it makes sense to us in the context of our track.
    •Next, we will further clean our stems as well as tune them to the pitch of our instrumental track so everything is in the same key.
    •And in the final steps, we will take our vocal performance to a next level by the use of EQing Compression, Saturation and FX

    Mix House Vocals Like A Pro TUTORiAL
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