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  • Making Creative Keyboard Sounds for Your Music TUTORiAL

    Making Creative Keyboard Sounds

    FANTASTiC | 17 August 2021 | 453 MB

    On this class I will teach how any keyboard player can make creative sounds using presets or even creating the sound from scratch. I will show examples of VSTs and types of sound they have, how to tweak the basic controls like envelopes for amp and filter, how to work with EQs and compression on these sounds if needed, how to work with plugins creatively like stutter and Leslie, working with effects like reverb and delay and lastly automations. This class is geared towards any musician who uses keyboard on projects and wants to create more unique, creative and fitting sounds for the music being worked on. It is required that the person has a least a basic knowledge on music, how to play keyboards and basics of sound synthesis (which I have a course covering this subject for beginners).

    I hope you enjoy it and find it useful on your sonic explorations!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/uy0k8
    Making Creative Keyboard Sounds for Your Music TUTORiAL


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