  • LUNA Absolute Beginners Guide TUTORiAL

    LUNA: Beginners Guide

    FANTASTiC | 23 May 2021 | 425 MB

    LUNA is a free DAW for owners of compatible Universal Audio interfaces. Discover the unique power of this fully-integrated Mac-based recording systems, with trainer and UAD expert. If you own an Apollo interface, or if you’re thinking of buying one, you got to check out LUNA! Perfect for all your music production, editing and mixing needs, LUNA brings you a seamless hardware-software integration with analog-style tracking workflows, as well as a warm and punchy tape sound. It’s also super fun to use, as you will learn in this in-depth beginner’s guide. Matt starts by talking a solid look at how to properly install the software and components, including how to authorize everything with iLok. He explains how to create a fresh session, how LUNA interacts with the Universal Audio Console software, how to navigate the timeline and mixer views, and how the saving and bookmarking system works. After learning the basics, you’re ready for the fun stuff… creating music! You discover the different ways to monitor and record audio, how to record acoustic and software instruments, how to edit audio and MIDI, and how quantizing works. You also learn about bussing, how to get realistic tape saturation, what is summing and spill, how to mix down and export your project, and a lot more…

    So sit back and get ready to discover new analog sounds and workflows with trainer and audio expert. Unlock the power of UAD LUNA now!

    LUNA Absolute Beginners Guide TUTORiAL


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