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    How The Marquee Tool TUTORiAL

    P2P |03.07.2016 | 139 MB

    Logic Pro X Know | MP4 | 6 Tutorials

    The Marquee tool in Logic Pro X is one of the most powerful tools, but least understood. In this video tutorial series, Logic guru Doug Zangar shares his Logic Pro X Know-How with you, teaching you everything you need to know about this multi-faceted, powerhouse tool! Doug begins by showing you how you can set up the Marquee tool to be at your fingertips whenever you need it, and how to use it to define playback location. After that, he dives into the various ways you can use the Marquee tool to make selections, and how to modify your selections once made. That leads into a video exploring all of your editing options with your Marquee selection.

    Moving on, Doug shares how to use Marquee selections when zooming, bouncing audio, setting up Autopunch, and how to use the Marquee tool to set the range for movie scene markers.

    Finally, Doug covers some of the more advanced functionality of the Marquee tool. He teaches you how to create volume edits by selection, how to use the Marquee tool to copy and paste multiple lanes of automation, and the unique ways to use the Marquee tool with Flex Time mode and with Take folders.

    Whether you’re new to Logic Pro X’s Marquee tool or an existing user ready for a deep dive, watch “Logic Pro X Know-How: The Marquee Tool” today!

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3e1s
    Logic Pro X Know – How The Marquee Tool TUTORiAL


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