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    Learn Piano Scales TUTORiAL

    TEAM COMPRISED | 2015.05.06 | 2.33 GB

    Do like the pro’s, learn scales and get that winning edge Playing piano or keyboard is great fun and can be great fun to learn. Each day you learn a little more and can play more songs or play the ones you know better. It can also be a difficult instrument to learn. Many people stop learning because it takes so long to learn and it is difficult. Let’s face it not everyone can afford a private tutor or even have the time for a regular time slot. In particular playing solos or turnarounds is well out of the game for most beginners. It’s not your fault; you just haven’t known what to learn. You learned a few chords, you learned a few notes but which notes go with each chord or key is a mystery. The answer is really quite easy. All you need to know is which notes fit with the key you are playing in. Then all you do is make up your solo or turnaround using those notes. You do need to know which fingers to use and the notes will almost play themselves. You probably cannot play the fiddly interesting bits, the turnarounds, the solos and most important cannot change keys.

    You may even be stuck and unable to move forward with your playing; it seems a chore, not a pleasure. learning scales will rectify that. You will be able to change keys at will change; you will know the notes needed if a different key is needed. you will be able to play a solo because you know which notes will be used, purely because you know your scales. You will finally enjoy the joy of playing with friends.
    *You will have a course that you can go back to and refresh at anytime.
    *You will have: High Quality teaching that gives you complete confidence
    *You will learned Correct fingering so you do it right first time
    *You will have HD Video so that you can see how you should play
    *You will have High Quality Audio so you can hear everything properly
    *You will have Fun Methods of teaching used so you do not start hating scales
    *You will have Fun Practice Schedules, no one wants to spend hours playing scales up and down
    *You will have a “Scales Book” included so you always have a scales book available
    *You will enjoy having a Qualified Teach with years of experience so you know you will be being taught properly
    *And most important of all, you can contact the teacher at any time for support A private tutor automatically teaches scales as they are so important. Such teaching is not so readily available online. Start learning scales today and accelerate your playing abilities exponentially.

    What am I going to get from this course?
    *Over 26 lectures and 2.5 hours of content!
    *play piano with confidence brought about by a deeper knowledge of music, and be able to play in a wide range of keys.

    Learn Piano Scales TUTORiAL-COMPRiSED


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