Learn Music Theory ABRSM Grades 1 & 2
TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 08 September 2014 | 345 MB
Today, more and more people are wanting to learn music. Young children are learning to play the piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, and many more instruments. Music is very unlike any other activity. It is what lets you express every feeling with a simple change in volume or pitch, and captivate an audience after a single key press. This is, if you know what you’re doing. In this course we will cover all of the fundamentals of music as per the ABRSM syllabus for Grades 1 and 2. In ~3 hours you could be covering the same content as usually is covered in a year of music lessons!
The staff, notes, and rests.- Writing a 2-bar rhythm as necessary for the Grade 1 exam.
- Tones and semitones
- Sharps, flats, and naturals
- Intervals and scales
- Chords: triad chords
- Grade 2
Quavers and semiquavers
- More time signatures (2/2, 3/2, 4/2, and 3/8)
- More key signatures
- Minor key signatures
- EXTRA only in this course: easily find the number of accidentals for a key signature without having to learn them by heart!
- Melodic and harmonic minor scales
- Commonly used terms and signs in music
- Also, in this course, there are lots of quizzes (one after each piece of content) for you to get all this music knowledge stick in your brain!
INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/85WY
Learn Music Theory ABRSM Grades 1 and 2 TUTORiAL-MAGNETRiXX
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