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  • Learn 100 Piano Chords TUTORiAL

    Learn 100 Piano Chords TUTORiAL

    P2P | 22 April 2020 | 1.57 GB

    “For years I’ve been wanting to learn the piano, but always postponed it as it seemed so difficult. Half way through this course I was already trying all kind of things out on my magesy piano, and was in shock that it all worked out.” Gregory, One of our students. Shapes and patterns are a fun intuitive way, to get people playing confidently quickly. Most of the worlds music doesn’t rely on notation and you don’t need to either, this course shows you how to avoid the barriers that so often bog people down when they start learning piano – you need to have fun and have quick successes, playing the songs you love.

    What will I discover in this course?
    – All the tricks that make you sound great, easily and simply without having to read a dot of music – No confusing notation needed
    – The ability to play every chord commonly used as the building blocks for pop songs.
    – That includes you knowing how to play all the different flavours of chords
    – How to find the information you need about what chords your favourite pop songs are made up of.
    – How to break down that information so you can work out how to play the songs.
    – How to spice up your playing with tips and tricks that make you sound like a pro – quickly
    – I’ll explain what arpeggio’s are and how to use them to make you sound really impressive
    – I’ll explain what passing notes are to sound super cool
    – And inversions
    – How to use your left hand to make your playing sound more complex and pleasing
    – Access to a chord dictionary that you can use as a lifetime reference
    – Access to tutorials on some classic songs to get you started on your new piano playing journey

    What you’ll learn:
    – We’ll show you how to play the songs you want in the fastest way possible!
    – Know all the names of the notes and how to put them together to sound great – Using easy to remember shapes!
    – Removes barriers to learning piano people have experienced before! We know how :)
    – Breakdown how to learn songs
    – Play the songs you want, straight away! No experience needed
    – Have the tools at your fingertips to be a song writer
    – Play any chord instantly (the building blocks of all songs)
    – Learn all the names of all the notes easily (in minutes)
    – Stun your friends and family with your new talent
    – A course that’s all content and no filler

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/KVFP
    Learn 100 Piano Chords TUTORiAL


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